Introduction To be competitive, businesses need to promote themselves in multiple ways. And as modern society has developed a short attention span and become highly social-centric, many businesses are developing a video strategy to aid in marketing. Most small companies don't have the budget for the industry standard video editors (nor the time to learn […]
Microservers: What you need to know | ZDNet
Microservers: What you need to know | ZDNet.
How to Physically Clean Your PC and More | Maximum PC
How to Physically Clean Your PC and More | Maximum PC.
How to Replace your Acer Aspire 7750G Laptop Screen
I was recently asked if I could replace the screen on a laptop computer. The laptop turned out to be an Acer Aspire 7750G. I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to accomplish this task. There was no need to take the whole laptop apart to gain access to the screens ribbon cable. Below […]
Deploying Apple iMacs to an Active Directory Network
So, the day has come to deploy some Apple iMACs to one of our computer labs where I work. With little experience using an iMac, we set out to accomplish this task. The Apple GUI took a little getting used to, but with a little exploring things came very easily. There is not much difference […]
Learning CSS, Part 3
In Parts 1 and 2 we learned what Cascading Style Sheets are and what the proper syntax is. In Part 3 we are going to provide some color to our web page. The colors you use on your web site are displayed by combining red, green, and blue using the RGB (0 to 255) or […]
Learning CSS, Part 2 – Syntax
Welcome to Part 2 of the Learning CSS series. In Part 1, we learned what CSS is and how we can use it in our own web site. In this article we are going to touch on the basic syntax of CSS. HTML has tags, CSS has a selector and one or more declarations. Selectors […]
Learning CSS, Part 1
So, what is Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)? Basically, CSS is a way to add styling to your web page/website quickly and easily. Please note, the best approach to using Cascading Style Sheets is that the CSS styling should be placed in a separate file, typically named style.css. The benefits are: Place one line of code […]
How To Build a Web Site
In our first article we have created your first web page and now we are going to move on to building a web site. Introduction You probably know what a website is. You surf the web everyday to get your news, do some shopping, etc. But just in case, websites are numerous web pages that […]
Basics of Building a Web Page
First things first: We will be creating our first web page fairly quickly. But, we just need to quickly cover a few things first. There are, basically, three ways you can create a web page: 1. By using a template or CMS (Content Management System) 2. By using an HTML editor like FrontPage or Dreamweaver […]